Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey! Blogger #2 here...

I'm Joie, Angel's boss...I sit in the office next to her and I will share this blogspot with her and tell you stories from the front line too!

We had a hell of a week! HELL OF A WEEK. Lot's of crying and saddness. People in total dispair over the doubling of fuel costs. Tissues are at a premium in our office. To top it off, the republican headquarters below us were having a party and setting up all day. This included us having to work over a band practicing, caterers setting up lines and silverware, cigar smoke and people NAILING signs INTO the trees beneath our office.

Then, end of the day on Friday, I hear Angel on the phone with a YOUNG single mom, telling her what to do. Guiding her through the trials of getting help. Telling her that if she gets nowhere, to call her back and she will make sure she gets the help she needs. In our waiting room, was a tall, handsome stranger. Just sitting and waiting. There isn't a lot of privacy in our office, so when you are on the phone and getting passionate about the help someone needs, it's not uncommon to be overheard.
Angel gets up to invite the tall, handsome stranger into her office. He isn't a client. He is a man with a check. A LARGE check. He is Scott and he owns TARM USA. They import European Pellet Stoves and are located in our service area. His company is doing well this year and they wanted to share the wealth. He presented Angel with this LARGE check so she can help seniors and disabled folks who don't get enough assistance, make it through the cold months.
Today is Sunday and my mom called to read me a letter to the editor from our friends Larry & Sharon G. They are encouraging people to send us donations! WE PROMISE that these monies will be used only for the purpose intended. To suppliment the shortfall our seniors and disabled folks will have this heating season. Please! if you are reading this, visit some of the following sites and let your congress folk know that we really need an increase in LIHEAP this winter. They are going to vote on it again in September.
Meanwhile, Angel and I will keep you posted on the grim choice of eating or heating this winter in the cold northeast.
Peace out...Joie

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